Dancing with the Stars: Cirque Night Recap

Publish date: 2024-04-24

Last week we said goodbye to former Texas Governor, Rick Perry and his partner Emma Slater. While the remaining couples who were up for elimination wiped the worried sweat from their brows, it only meant they had to step up their game for Cirque Du Soleil Night as not only one, but two pairs would be going home. Needless to say, everyone DID THEIR THING Monday night and proved how much they want that mirror ball.

Calvin & Lindsay- Charleston
These two sure knew how to start off the show! Their Charleston routine was both quirky and fun. Julianne noted that it was the perfect way to kick off the night, although she would have liked to have seen more energy towards the end. Since it was Cirque night, Carrie Ann said she would throw her normal lift deductions out the window, which saved Calvin and Lindsay since their choreography included several lifts and tricks. Bruno loved it, and advised Calvin to just work on his kicks.


Carrie Ann- 8, Julianne- 7, Bruno- 8 = 23/30

Maureen & Artem- Argentine Tango
After a rough week of rehearsals and not exactly seeing eye-to-eye, Maureen and Artem embraced their struggles and worked through the frustration. The judges were impressed. Bruno thought the duo was “on it” with their Argentine Tango. Carrie Ann saw their incredible connection and applauded Maureen for being able to “turn the world around” and focus on what she is doing in the ballroom. Her only critique was she would like to see a little bit more intensity in footwork. Julianne hopes Maureen leans on her partner more if they make it to next week.


Carrie Ann- 8, Julianne- 8, Bruno- 8 = 24/30

Jana & Gleb- Foxtrot
Jana and Gleb vowed to dance for each other and that’s what they did. Their elegant, hippy routine to a Beatles classic radiated warm vibes on the floor. Carrie Ann believes Jana expresses herself well while performing. Julianne would like to see the couple break out of the middle. She feels that Jana is still a little stiff. Bruno kindly agreed while recognizing the beautiful, underarm passes. Bruno told Jana to make sure she doesn’t let the tension rise, which is a simple fix in her shoulders. If she survives elimination, we can see Jana becoming a dark horse in this competition.


Carrie Ann- 8, Julianne- 7, Bruno- 8 = 23/30

Marilu & Derek- Paso Doble
Although Marilu has a great deal of ambition, the judges would all like to see her relax when she is out on the dance floor. Julianne was spot on when she suggested Marilu “think less and feel more.” Marilu’s autobiographical memory can get in the way of the former actress reaching her fullest potential. Julianne also did mention that the creative choreography was out of this world. Carrie Ann thought it felt like Marilu was dancing next to her partner rather than with him, making their routine seem slightly forced.


Carrie Ann- 7, Julianne- 7, Bruno- 7 = 21/30

Amber & Maks- Argentine Tango

Amber had quite the misunderstanding with Julianne last week. The judge and former pro said she felt “uncomfortable” watching Amber’s performance, adding that it wasn’t authentic salsa. Amber took Julianne’s comments as an opportunity to body-shame her; however, Julianne explained that she was only critiquing the dance, not her personal image. All drama aside, she applauded Amber and Maks’ Argentine Tango, stating she finally got the energy she has been wanting to see. Carrie Ann thought the routine showed the beauty that lies within Amber.


Carrie Ann- 8, Julianne- 8, Bruno- 8 = 24/30

Ryan & Cheryl- Viennese Waltz
Ryan was all smiles after his and Cheryl’s great performance this week. Carrie Ann saw much improvement in Ryan as he is breaking out of his shell and expressing himself more. Julianne recognized that he is absorbing the judges’ feedback to his best ability, putting him on the right track. After everything Ryan has been through in the last few months, it made us happy to see the Olympian connect with Cheryl and really pull from the gracefulness he possesses in the water.


Carrie Ann- 7, Julianne- 7, Bruno- 8 = 22/30

Babyface & Allison- Tango
Knowing the amount of potential Babyface has in the ballroom, it broke our hearts to see him not at his best this week. The couple started off strong in the opening sequence, but it wasn’t long before their performance was almost unbearable to watch. Babyface knew it was disastrous, leaving his partner with a face full of disappointment. The judges, who are also fully aware of Babyface’s dancing talents, were relieved that he was able to recognize the routine flaws and provided him with encouraging words for next time. Hopefully, there is a next time.


Carrie Ann- 6, Julianne- 6, Bruno- 6 = 18/30

Terra & Sasha- Samba
“YOU ARE SO FREAKING SEXY,” Julianne shouted at Terra after her and Sasha’s sensational routine. Terra’s partner’s confidence really rubbed off on her because she owned that samba with so much sass and class. She continues to show remarkable growth each week. Carrie Ann loved that Terra danced beyond her body, begging to see the performance one more time. For being the underdogs in this competition, these two sure have their competitors shaking in their dancing shoes!


Carrie Ann- 9, Julianne- 8, Bruno- 8 = 25/30

Laurie & Val- Jazz
Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Val and Laurie both channeled their inner Michael Jackson and it left us and everyone else completely speechless. It’s easy to forget that Laurie is only 16 years old because she is just phenomenal and owns the floor like no other. Carrie Ann was blown away by Laurie’s maturity. Julianne told the gold medalist that she has nothing to say and that MJ may be the king of pop, but she is the queen of the ballroom. We obviously agree wholeheartedly. The duo rightfully earned the first perfect score of the season!


Carrie Ann- 10, Julianne- 10, Bruno- 10 = 30/30

Vanilla Ice & Witney- Viennese Waltz
For a pair that didn’t get to practice much this week due to Vanilla’s demanding concert schedule, Vanilla and Witney went out there and had one of their best performances yet. Not to mention, the Viennese Waltz is not an easy dance to perform. Carrie Ann is beginning to see elegance from Vanilla as he is working on keeping his shoulders down. Bruno advised him to be careful that he doesn’t turn into Edward Scissorhands out on the floor.


Carrie Ann- 7, Julianne- 8, Bruno- 7 = 22/30

James & Sharna- Quickstep
Who knew this race car driver had so many hidden moves? James and Sharna’s routine was absolutely magical. Carrie Ann and Julianne thought it was an incredible way to end the evening. For the second time now, Julianne mentioned that she really believes James could change careers and pursue acting. We can see it. After all, he is charismatic as can be. The women on the panel saw one tiny mistake, but Bruno failed to recognize it and didn’t let the others get in the way of what he thought was such an amazing, flawless performance.


Carrie Ann- 9, Julianne- 9, Bruno- 10 = 28/30

Which couples do you think are in trouble for tonight’s double elimination? Send us a tweet at @CelebMix and let us know!
