Disney Dreamlight Valley Guide: Watering Can upgrades

Publish date: 2024-05-01

Disney Dreamlight Valley lets you create a brand new life amidst some of your favorite Disney characters. As a life-simulation game, it allows you to maintain and manage a large community in a magical valley, which has been overrun with dark magic. Using your Royal Tools, you must cleanse the village of this corrupting influence and restore various characters' lost memories.

One such tool in Disney Dreamlight Valley is the Watering Can, which you can acquire quite early on by finding it behind your in-game house. While it is initially of little use besides gardening, a few upgrades can significantly improve the Watering Can and allow it to remove certain environmental obstacles.

This guide will take you through the steps of obtaining the Watering Can's two available upgrades in Disney Dreamlight Valley. This involves the completion of two quests for Merlin as well as increasing your friendship with him. Read on to learn more.

Watering Can Upgrades in Disney Dreamlight Valley

Both upgrades for the Watering Can in Disney Dreamlight Valley are given to you by Merlin, so it is important that you spend time with the old wizard and level up his friendship to get these quickly. At level 2, he’ll give you a taste of the Watering Can’s true potential during a quest called A New Enchantment.

At friendship level 8, you will unlock the first permanent upgrade with the A Dark Experiment quest, which is the second step to upgrading the can. Reach level 10, and you’ll unlock The Final Trial quest, which nets you the final upgrade. Keep reading to see a walkthrough for both quests.

A Dark Experiment Walkthrough

Give Merlin enough gifts, hang out with him, and do fun activities together, and you’ll soon reach friendship level 8 with the old wizard in Disney Dreamlight Valley. Once you do so, talk to him and he’ll reveal that he’s found a way to permanently enchant your Watering Can so it can remove the dark mushrooms.

Follow these steps to complete this relatively short quest:

Step 1: Merlin will ask you to gather certain ingredients for the enchantment. They are:

(Tips: You’ll find Emeralds mostly from mineral ores in the Forest of Valor. Purified Night Shards can be crafted using Night Shards and Dream Shards. Finally, Mushrooms can be gathered from the other side of the Glade of Trust biome. If you do not have it unlocked, you can follow this article to skip bridges in Disney Dreamlight Valley)

Step 2: After gathering all the ingredients, bring them to Merlin. He will enchant your Watering Can and ask you to test it out.

Testing out the upgraded Watering Can in the field (Image via YouTube - Mirraj Gaming)

Step 3: Head outside to water three of the smaller purple mushroom sprouts and then head back to Merlin to report your success, thereby ending the quest. He will be delighted at the discovery of purified Night Shards being crucial to removing the Mushrooms.

After this quest, you’ll be able to remove smaller dark mushroom clumps, but not the larger ones that actually block crucial paths. To get rid of those, you’ll need to upgrade the Watering Can once more.

The Final Trial Walkthrough

Level up Merlin’s friendship to 10 in Disney Dreamlight Valley by cooking him dishes, gifting him more stuff, and spending time with him. After reaching that milestone, talk to him and he’ll state that he has come up with a new way to further improve the Watering Can to remove larger mushrooms.

Follow the steps below to complete this quest:

Step 1: After talking to him, you'll learn that you need someone who can crush Purified Night Shards into powder. This means that you’ll need Wall-E unlocked in the village as a resident.

(Tip: Follow our guide to meet and unlock Wall-E and bring him to the village)

Step 2: Assuming that you have Wall-E available, your next step is to craft X5 Purified Night Shards. Once you have done so, find and talk to the little robot, so that he can crush these into powder.

Wall-E in Disney Dreamlight Valley (Image via YouTube - Mirraj Gaming)

Step 3: After you receive the Purified Night Shard powder, head over to Merlin, and he’ll reveal the next part of his plan: to turn you into a wizard. He’ll hand you a book about enchanting objects, which is seemingly written in riddles. He wants you to decipher it on your own, although he provides you with one hint: “You need the Ice Tear Seed.”

Step 4: He’ll give you the Seed, but you’ll also need to collect some other materials. They are:

Finding falling water (Image via YouTube - Mirraj Gaming)

Step 5: Falling water can be collected near the waterfall at the very bottom edge of the Glade of Trust area.

Step 6: For the Ice Heart, you’ll need to plant the Ice Tear Seed in the Frosted Heights biome, which should be ready to harvest in a matter of seconds. Harvest this plant, and you’ll have the Ice Heart.

Planting the Ice Tear Seed (Image via YouTube - Mirraj Gaming)

Step 7: With the ingredients collected, head to a crafting table and craft the Royal Watering Can Upgrading Ointment. You must then take this ointment to Merlin.

Step 8: Merlin will take the ointment and upgrade your Watering Can. He will then ask you to test it out.

Step 9: Head to any area with a large path-blocking mushroom clump and cleanse it off using your new and improved Watering Can.

Removing large dark mushrooms that block paths (Image via YouTube - Mirraj Gaming)

Step 10: Find and talk to Merlin one final time, and he’ll be pleased that you’ve become quite adept at magic. He’ll gift you a wizard’s hat, and this will end the quest.

Now, you have all the enchantments possible for the Watering Can in Disney Dreamlight Valley. With these, you’ll be able to remove any type of dark mushroom clump and will be on your way to unlocking many blocked-off areas of the map.

That is how you can get all the upgrades for the Royal Watering Can in Disney Dreamlight Valley. Did you find this guide useful? If so, why not leave us a like and a comment? You may even let us know what other guides or articles you’d like to see featured on the site.

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