Half Their Size Star Eve Guzman on Being Fat to Fit

Publish date: 2024-05-23

Eve Guzman is a fitness inspiration for the people. She went from 227 lbs. to 138 lbs. by following straightforward workout and diet methods. Apart from losing the weight herself, she has helped her fans to lose a combined 2,950 lbs. Here she is sharing how her life was before weight loss and how being fat to fit has made her life amazing. Her journey is an inspiration for people who wish to lose weight. Her pre-weight loss experiences are so realistic that everyone could relate to it.

Eve Guzman figure

How Life Has Changed?

When someone asks the question of how her life has changed with weight loss, the mother of two feels gratitude and appreciation. She also remembers what her life was like before the weight loss. She says now her life has changed dramatically and she is living the life of her dreams. Living a life where she can do normal things without stigma is a blessing but it was not always this way.

Childhood Memories

The diva recently shared that growing up as an overweight child was very tough for her. Other children used to call her a fat girl who smelled like cookies. She also had difficulties in keeping up with the kids in physical education, reports Yahoo. Even completing a 14-mile run was too difficult for her and she huffed and puffed her way through it. Other kids used to laugh at her seeing her struggle. It got so bad that she became anxious before the days when she had to run because everyone would laugh at her.

Eeve Guzman working out her legs doing squats

Growing Up

Things didn’t improve much for her when she grew up. She adopted various methods to look slimmer and hide her rolls. One such solution was to wear black all the time. She used to sweat a lot due to her weight. Wearing black even in 90-degree weather made people question her fashion choices too. Wearing black wasn’t even easy for her. She used to sweat a lot and felt uncomfortable during picnics and barbeques.

Changing the Posture

The fitness enthusiast confessed that things were so bad that she had to adjust her posture in public. It was done to hide the rolls she was carrying, especially over her pants. She used to sit with her chair closely pushed in with her arms crossed around her lap to hide the rolls and love handles. She remained in the posture for the entire duration of the meetings, trainings or classes despite feeling hot, uncomfortable and having an aching back. Going to the bathroom during public events also got hard for her as she didn’t want people to see her standing up. She admits it’s silly and crazy but it’s what made her feel better at that time.

Eve Guzman doing squats

Air Travel

During the plane journeys, the nutritionist used to keep her thighs squeezed together at all the times. It was done so that she didn’t spill over into the other seat. She also sat up straight stiff-backed through the flight journeys which made the entire experience of traveling exhaustive for her.

The Improvement

Thankfully, her plane journeys are way better now. Rather than closing up the thighs, she has so much room between the thighs that she keeps her snacks and water bottles between them. Even her seat belt is loose these days.

Eve Guzman working out her legs

Dealing with Stereotypes

People.com blogger also shares that there are many stereotypes associated with overweight people. They get labeled as unintelligent, lazy and even unclean. She also feels that she got less respect at the retail stores, school, restaurants, etc. because she was overweight. When she ordered a salad and diet soda, she used to get a look that said you know you don’t eat much salad. She felt uncomfortable while ordering fatty foods also.  So it was a very bad situation for her.

Eve Guzman eating broccoli

Feeling Proud

These days when the online trainer orders some wings, spinach dip and a huge burger with fries during her cheat days, people look at her and think about where she is putting all that food. She feels amazing when she gets those looks. Eve feels proud and grateful for the fact that her life has changed so much now.

Eve Guzman doing biceps curls

Well, we would just like to add here that the trainer’s journey is a prime example of the fact how being fit can change your life irrevocably. It’s an inspiration that can help people work hard towards fitness. To know the workout routine and diet plan of Eve, you can check out this link. To get more ideas on how fitness changed her life for better or to get some fitness inspiration, you can follow her on Instagram.
