How old is Vonshae Taylor-Morales? Details explored as Gunplay gets arrested after reportedly violat

Publish date: 2024-05-04

In August, rapper Gunplay’s now-estranged wife, Vonshae Taylor-Morales, who is an Instagram model and social media influencer, filed a restraining order against him after the 44-year-old rapper allegedly assaulted her and their infant daughter while being drunk.

The 24-year-old Vonshae also filed domestic violence charges against her husband and was on the verge of filing a divorce, as per XXL Magazine. However, on Wednesday, October 25, Gunplay reportedly violated the restraining order, as evidenced by his GPS-operated ankle monitor.

Following the incident, the rapper was taken into police custody at 7:10 pm local time and booked at Miami Dade County Jail, according to TMZ Hip Hop reports. The media source also stated that he will stay locked up until his next court hearing on November 7 for the safety of Vonshae and their eight-month-old daughter Osanna.

All you need to know about Gunplay’s recent violation of a restraining order

Florida-based rapper Gunplay earned a restraining order from his ex-wife, Vonshae Taylor-Morales, who is 20 years his junior, after he reportedly harassed her and their baby daughter at his Miami home on August 20.

Following this incident, Gunplay was taken into police custody and later put on house arrest with a 24×7 GPS-installed ankle monitor. However, recently, he violated his restraining order, which prohibits him from coming 500 feet of Vonshae and their daughter.

As per TMZ Hip Hop, the Florida Department of Corrections Community Control, which oversees individuals in house isolation through their ankle monitors, received a ping that Gunplay left his home and was driving towards Vonshae’s house.

They informed Miami Dade County Sheriff personnel about the development, who were able to chase the rapper down before he could reach his destination. In fact, TMZ Hip Hop reported that the rapper was not able to interact with Vonshae or their kid and was arrested right outside her home.

It is noteworthy that this was not the first time that Gunplay attempted to violate the restraining order. Earlier, he violated it at least seven times, including once trying to stop Vonshae from testifying in court in late September.

Meanwhile, so far, the Triple C rapper has missed three court dates about his restraining order violation, as per XXL Magazine. However, if he misses one more, it could mean that he will lose all privileges to meet his daughter until she turns 18.

As of now, Gunplay lost custody of his daughter on October 9 and is only permitted to meet virtually under supervision via the TalkingParents app, as per court orders.

Exploring, in brief, the Gunplay-Vonshae fiasco

According to Dexerto, on the night of August 20, Gunplay, whose real name is Richard Welton Morales Jr., was drinking and playing Call of Duty on his Xbox, making a lot of noise at his Miami home. When the situation got too loud to handle, his ex-wife Vonshae Taylor-Morales repeatedly requested that he lower the volume, as it was scaring their sleeping baby.

However, as per Vonshae’s complaint to the police, this is when the Living Legend rapper allegedly lost his temper and attacked his wife and kid, first by throwing things, including glasses and alcohol bottles, and later by pulling a firearm (an AK-47 as per TMZ) on them.

Not only that, but he reportedly tried to grab the baby by her neck and head, as per Vonshae’s account of the incident on her Instagram Story back then. In her post, she also mentioned how she tried to leave the situation with her baby but was threatened not to do so by Gunplay. Fortunately, she was allegedly able to grab his gun and hide it, before rushing to the police station for help.

Vonshae also blamed the rapper’s “bad drinking problem” as the cause of all problems and described the experience as “traumatizing.” She also clarified how he filed a restraining order and was soon going to file for divorce.

Since then, Morales Jr. has faced multiple charges, including aggravated battery with a deadly weapon, assault, false imprisonment, and child abuse, among others, as per XXL Magazine. So far, the rapper has denied all accusations.

Interestingly, in April 2012, the Cry Baby rap artist allegedly pulled a gun on his accountant. Later, in October 2012, he was also involved in a reported armed robbery and surrendered to the police after an arrest warrant was issued against his name. However, both charges were dropped when the victims refused to provide testimonies.

For those uninitiated, the estranged couple tied the knot in August 2022 and welcomed their firstborn in February 2023.

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