How to get, features, price, and more

Publish date: 2024-04-30

Overwatch 2 has released new hero bundles along with the Prideful Reinhardt bundle. The bundle was a long wait for Reinhardt players asking for new skins.

It is the first new skin released for Reinhardt in Overwatch 2 and looks outstanding. Players will soon find a new armor and hammer skin showcased in the lobbies. The following section details everything you need to know about Overwatch 2 Prideful Reinhardt Bundle.

How to get the Prideful Peinhardt bundle in Overwatch 2?

The bundle will be available in the in-game store for a week from November 9-16. The store's inventory refreshes weekly, so players have this week to pick up the new skin or wait for it to return at a future time.

The bundle can be purchased in the store menu for 1000 Overwatch coins. The coins can be purchased through the game's store using real money or earned by completing weekly tasks.

Unpacking the bundle

The Prideful Reinhardt bundle comes with a hero and weapon skin. Both have a majestic white marble finish with gold for contrast. Olive green to use as highlights and with a deep brown for the interiors. The palette has a royal look.

The armor has some exciting features. The standout is the white lion helmet with a crown holding green gems. Thus being 'prideful.' With an emblem of a golden lion on the chest plate and the left arm from where his shield is deployed. The marble looks especially come out in the white parts of the armor with mild gold vein-like patterns on it.

Prideful Reinhardt Hammer in-game shop (Image via Blizzard)

Reinhardt carries a hammer and gets the same treatment as the rest of his armor despite having a more straightforward look. WiIt goes well with armor with a brown grip and gold and green all over.

As mentioned, the armor is available on the in-game store for 1000 Overwatch coins. These coins can be bought with real currency or earned in-game through weekly challenges. One thousand Overwatch coins cost $9.99, so the armor is valued at the same price.

Overwatch 2 coin shop (image via Blizzard)

It is classified as an epic skin, bringing the number of such skins to six. It will only occasionally be available in the store after this release week and will come at the base price of $9.99 unless there's a specified discount. It is also not seasonal, so dates for when it will next be available cannot be predicted.

This is still a skin worthy of being in the collection of Reinhardt players, as it is the first official epic skin released for the character in Overwatch 2.

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