How to unlock Signal 50 in Modern Warfare 2?

Publish date: 2024-05-29

Modern Warfare 2 offers various weapons to play with and dominates multiplayer lobbies. Activision recently released the latest Call of Duty title to forward the legacy of the entire series with the introduction of multiple new combat and movement mechanics.

Modern Warfare 2 currently does not feature a massive arsenal of weapons but has a respectable number that can take down entire armies. But fans cannot hop in and choose a weapon from the list. They must grind and put in the time to unlock the weapons first.

Fortunately, it is not difficult to grind a game that introduces such a high level of realistic detail and can shackle down players with its immersion. One of the most potent weapons in Modern Warfare 2 is the Signal 50 sniper rifle.

Modern Warfare 2 Signal 50 unlock criteria

Activision's latest currently has a total of ten weapon classes which contain all the weapons under its umbrella. Each weapon can be unlocked by leveling up the base weapon of the family or by increasing the account's Military Rank.

It is not difficult but requires an unwavering determination to go through every weapon to max them out. The following is a list of the weapon classes:

The Sniper Rifle class is focused on long-range that can take down enemies from a safe distance without exposing the player to immediate danger. The Signal 50 is one of the most ballistically powerful weapons in Modern Warfare 2 because of the absurd amount of damage it can output.

How to unlock Signal 50

Fans will be happy to know that unlike most of the weapons in the game, Signal 50 does not require players to begrudgingly grind through various weapons and level them up before its later variant unlocks. The Signal 50 is a standalone weapon with a unique weapon platform and does not directly belong to a family of different weapons.

To unlock the Signal 50 sniper rifle, players need to grind their account's Military Ranks. This can be done by playing with any weapon and in any multiplayer game mode. Upon reaching the Military Rank 44, Modern Warfare rewards the player with two rewards - the Quick fix perk and the Signal 50 weapon.

Fans can now go into their weapons tab and equip Signal 50 in their preferred loadout or create a new custom loadout for the weapon itself. Players can equip the loadout with sniper-centric perks and field upgrades to maximize their impact on the battlefield while leveling up the weapon to unlock its top-tier attachments.

This concludes with the method of unlocking Signal 50 in Modern Warfare 2. Be sure to follow Sportskeeda, as we regularly cover the best weapon builds and bug fixes.

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