Kanye West & Amber Rose spend holidays feeding the homeless

Publish date: 2024-05-28


Kanye West has had such a douche-filled year, he decided to do something to alleviate the swarm of bad press. Kanye and his girlfriend Amber Rose volunteered at a Los Angeles homeless shelter over the holidays, and spent several hours serving lunch. Will this help? Probably. It made me stop and rethink Kanye and whether or not we were too harsh on him throughout the year. Granted, he made some supremely dumb, egotistical, crazy moves. But he’s not the devil. Here’s more about Kanye and Amber’s smart move:

Kanye West is ready to move back into the spotlight in a positive way. The Grammy Award winning rapper spread holiday cheer this weekend when he and his girlfriend Amber Rose volunteered their services to the Los Angeles Mission.

West and Rose donated their time to serve lunch to the homeless the day after Christmas (Dec. 26). The non profit organization has been assisting the homeless in the city’s “Skid Row” district for over 70 years.

“It’s just important [to give back] when you’re very blessed,” West said of volunteering. “[It’s nice] to spread your blessings and take time out, especially during the holidays, to appreciate people who never get that appreciation. It makes me feel really good to come out here, [with] my family, and I just thank y’all [the Los Angeles Mission] for allowing us to be apart of this.”

[From BET]

Lots of celebrities work with the LA Mission, and many volunteer around the holidays, but homelessness is still an epidemic, especially in larger cities. I hope Kanye keeps up his involvement, because they need him. I really think Kanye has taken the criticism to heart – for the past several months, he’s been very, very low-key, very few red carpets, very few all-caps blog rants, very few douchey interviews about how great he is. While I don’t think Kanye did end up going into rehab, I do think he’s taken a good hard look at himself and he’s trying to become a better man. Maybe I’m just on old softie, but I want Kanye to come back! He was fun sometimes!

Kanye West and Amber Rose leaving ‘Sherlock Holmes’ on December 27, 2009, and at the MTV Awards on September 13, 2009. Credit: WENN.
