Nestor Weigand Jr Obituary, Wichita Real Estate Legend Dies At 84.

Publish date: 2024-05-20

Nestor Weigand Jr Obituary, Death – We mourn the death of Nestor Weigand Jr., a Wichita real estate legend, at 84. Nestor Weigand Jr. was a prominent entrepreneur and visionary leader who shaped local real estate. His legacy will be cherished forever. Wichita’s real estate legend Nestor Weigand Jr. He became CEO of J.P. Weigand & Sons in 1983 after starting as a real estate professional. His hard work and dedication to excellence helped the firm grow during his tenure. Nestor Weigand Jr. became chairman of J.P. Weigand & Sons in 2001, where he provided vital leadership and guidance. He shaped Wichita beyond the company by aggressively participating in the local business community.

Nestor was a real estate visionary and community leader. His tireless efforts to improve Wichita showed his dedication. The welfare of others and his vocation were his priorities. His philanthropy and charitable donations showed his dedication to others. Nestor Weigand Jr. was noted for his sincerity, friendliness, and genuine care for his coworkers beyond his professional accomplishments. He inspired numerous industry professionals to attain their full potential as a mentor and role model. His leadership was humble and concerned for others’ achievement.

We honor Nestor Weigand Jr.’s legacy by reflecting on his impact on our city, the real estate industry, and countless lives. He was a dear friend, mentor, and family member as well as a business icon. The family of Nestor Weigand Jr. is in our thoughts and prayers. His loss is great, but his lessons and inspiration will lead us. We shall remember him and strive to continue his enthusiasm for excellence and community engagement. Nestor Weigand Jr.’s legacy will remind us of how one person can change a town and industry. He was visionary, honest, and generous. All who knew him will always be inspired by his memories.

