Scottish mum begs killer to tell her 'why did you slit my daughter's throat?'

Publish date: 2024-05-28

Twenty years on a tormented mum today begs a brutal killer why she nearly severed her daughter’s head with a butcher’s knife.

Pamela Gourlay  left Melanie Sturton, 22, in a pool of blood behind the door of her flat, walked over her and got on with her life.

But trainee nurse Melanie’s worried family called the police and she was discovered dead in the property in Aberdeen’s West End.

Callous Gourlay, Melanie’s upstairs neighbour, cleaned herself up, laughed and joked with cops and went for a meal with her mum.

The shocking murder is the focus of a true-crime podcast series launched today on the 20th anniversary of Melanie’s death.

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Former ITV, STV and Channel Five news correspondent and presenter Isla Traquair, who covered the story as a 19-year-old newspaper reporter is the driving force behind the podcast.

She has spoken investigators who were deeply affected by the case not only due to Melanie’s horrific injuries but because the killer was eventually revealed to be the 20-year-old female upstairs neighbour.

Gourlay, who used her chef’s boning knife to carry out the attack, was jailed for 14 years following a trial in 2000.

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She was released in 2013 and was last known to be living and working in Stirling. She turned 40 in September.

Melanie’s mother Susan Patrick hopes Gourlay hears The Storyteller: Murder Most Foul podcast and does the right thing by giving her family some answers.

Susan, who lives in Ballater, said: “It’s been 20 years and I still don’t know why Melanie died.

“Pamela has been out for six years now and we’ve heard nothing. She owes us an apology at the very least.

“I was glad to do the podcast because I want people to know the full story and I want Melanie to never be forgotten.

“Before Melanie even hit the floor, she didn’t have a name anymore.

“She was just the murder victim. The family are just left to pick up the pieces while the convicted killer is supported through life.

“That’s not justice.”

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Shop worker Susan, 66, still has nightmares – pumpkins and Halloween brings bad memories flooding back.

Susan said: “I can’t understand, because it was so horrific, that she never said to anybody why she did it.

“She’s never given us a reason why or apologised so I don’t understand why she ever got out of prison.

“An apology would be too late now though to hear it coming out of her mouth might be something.

“It wouldn’t mean anything but I’d like to know the reason why.

“There were things she did to Melanie before she slashed her throat with the boning knife.

“But 20 years later I still don’t have a clue – and Gourlay just carries on with her life.”

“Gourlay laughed and joked with the cops after she’d murdered and robbed Melanie. She walked over the top of her on the way out.

“Who does that? Deep down she did that and got on with her life as if she’d just forgotten about her.

“She went out with her mum, had a meal and bought a present for her grandmother with a voucher Melanie got from her nana.

“That’s not normal.”

The trial heard how Gourlay had dressed in black from head to toe, donned latex gloves and went downstairs with a Sabatier boning knife at around 8.30am on Saturday, October 9th, 1999.

She knocked on shy Melanie’s door then barged her way in and carried out a frenzied attack.

Pathologist James Grieve recalled: “I well remember we went in expecting this to perhaps not be all that serious.

“Taking one look just from the doorway we realised that this was something much much worse.”

Judge Lord Marnoch described it as a crime of “unimaginable depravity”.

Despite stealing some trinkets and a small amount of money, Gourlay never gave a motive despite confessing the crime to police officers, her mother Eileen and a close friend.

Shortly before the case came to court, Gourlay tried to blamed her ex-boyfriend but the jury didn’t believe her.

Reporter Traquair has spent most of the last decade in North America where she’s produced and presented TV shows for Oprah and American network AMC.

She’s returned to her native Scotland to revisit her first big murder case.

She said: “This case has always stuck with me and the 20th anniversary is perfect time to go back and see if there’s anything I can do to help bring the family some closure.

“Podcasts and particularly true crime ones attract millions of listeners who really engage with the stories and I know they’ll be fascinated by this story.

“I’ve been overwhelmed by the support so far.”

The podcast features interviews with the key people involved from the detective who first suspected Gourlay, the pathologist, lead forensic scientist, and Gourlay’s legal defence team, a key trial witness and Melanie’s family.

Traquair said: “Every single person I have spoken to wants to know why she did it.

“I’ve reached out to Pamela and she knows the podcast is happening.

“I appreciate she’s begun a new life but I plead with her to consider the torment her silence has caused those who loved Melanie.

“I’m hopeful she’ll speak to me and give her side of the story. It would mean a lot to many people.

“No one has forgotten the case and although she has served her sentence, Susan Patrick is still serving hers.”

Susan said: “I work with lassies who went to school with Melanie and I see them with their own kids now.

“I’ll never get Melanie back but I would like to hear Gourlay say specifically why she did it.”

**The eight part series The Storyteller: Murder Most Foul launches today on iTunes, Spotify and Acast.
