Terry Crews follows intermittent fasting, doesnt eat until 2pm

Publish date: 2024-05-26

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Vanity Fair talked to Terry Crews, who is 49 by the way, about his intense workout and diet. He gave very specific details, which people who are really into fitness and nutrition love to do. Terry’s routine reminded me so much of Hugh Jackman in that Hugh is also 49, looks 10-15 years younger like Terry, and follows intermittent fasting along with working his ass off at the gym. I was surprised to hear that Terry doesn’t eat until 2pm though, as he is such a tall, buff guy that he must be able to eat a ton of food and not gain. Plus he wakes up at 4:45 am! I can only imagine how hungry he gets. That’s his strategy though and he also takes a bunch of vitamins. Here’s what he said and you can see the video below. I’m relying on People for the quotes:

Though he starts his day at the very early hour of 4:45 a.m., Crews doesn’t eat any food before he gets to the gym to stick to his intermittent fasting schedule.

“Since I don’t eat until 2 p.m., I have a shaker cup with amino acids and water,” Crews, 49, explained. “This gets filled probably four to five times a day, and it’s pretty much a gallon by the time [the day] gets done.”

Along with his amino acids, the former pro-football player downs his first set of vitamins.

“I have a very, very complex vitamin routine,” he said. “I also set out all my other vitamins for the rest of the day. I have vitamins three times a day.”

By 6 a.m., Crews hits the gym for his intensive workouts.

“I do a 5-minute warmup, and then I put on an audiobook that I’m going to listen to the whole time I’m working out,” he explained. “It can be about fitness, it can be about health, it can be about acting, it can be about whatever. And then I go do my first exercise, and that depends on what day it is.”

“Monday is legs, Tuesday is chest and arms, Wednesday is stretch, and abs, and run, Thursday is my back, Friday is usually about shoulders and plyometric exercises. I usually do four sets with ten descending repetitions, so it’ll go 10, 8, 6, 4, and I usually try to go as heavy as I can. But then every workout, every day, ends with a 4-mile run.”

Finally, by 2 p.m., Crews is ready for his first meal of the day during the eight-hour window that he eats.

“I usually have a go-to lunch, which is an omelet with bacon and a salad, and I always have that in my fridge. And then I wash that down with a protein shake,” he said. “By that time I’ve had my second vitamins, and I’m ready to continue the second half of my day.”

He gets in dinner with his family around 6 p.m., and makes sure to have dessert.

“There’s always a sweet somewhere,” Crews said. “I’ll usually have a pie, or a cake, or something sweet, maybe a pudding, or a little Pinkberry.”

[From People]

My son and I have been watching Brooklyn Nine-Nine, he got interested in it after the news that it was canceled and picked up by another network, and I have to admit to creeping on Crews on screen. He looks incredible so whatever he’s doing is working.

Years ago, when it first came out that Hugh Jackman followed intermittent fasting, I read a book called The Fast Diet and tried it for a while. It was really hard and I lasted for about a week. Like Terry, I wake up around 5am and I was starving all morning. At that point I was always searching for the next diet or exercise program that would work for me, but I’ve settled into a healthy routine now. Terry’s routine sounds so intense but I guess that’s what you need to do to look like that. He also shaves his head every day! He’s not really bald.

Here’s Terry’s interview, at about 2:25 he talks about putting oil all over his body after showering. That’s well worth watching. He also says he loves to watch himself on TV because he’s “living the dream and I love to watch the dream!” He goes to bed around 9:30 and has to get up twice at night to pee since he drinks so much water. I love him! I’m not going to snatch the Terry coverage from Hecate but I understand why she’s so into him.

Let @terrycrews break down his day for you pic.twitter.com/CVCoR0hHQl

— VANITY FAIR (@VanityFair) May 17, 2018



Photos credit: WENN and Getty
