"This is super weird"- Paige VanZant 's Halloween collab with ex-WWE star Mandy Rose draws polarizin

Publish date: 2024-05-13

Former UFC star Paige VanZant and former WWE star Mandy Rose recently set fire to the internet with their Halloween-themed collaboration. The two donned wicked leather outfits in a special video to promote their exclusive content on OnlyFans and other VIP fan sites.

It's no secret that VanZant is among the most famous personalities in mixed martial arts today and has a massive fan following thanks to her social media presence. Even though she last competed in July 2021, '12 Gauge' has successfully kept herself financially well-off through her successful online ventures.

Paige VanZant has also revealed that OnlyFans is her most profitable enterprise, enabling her to make large amounts of money during her time away from the cage. VanZant once stated that she made more money through OnlyFans in 24 hours than what she made in her entire fighting career combined.

In her latest post, VanZant promoted a special Halloween offer for her loyal users and teased a collaboration with Mandy Rose to sweeten the deal. Fans almost immediately flocked to the comments section to express their polarized opinions.

One fan slammed VanZant's post and wrote:

"Left wrestling to do this."

Another fan wrote:

"It's Halloween haters! You do you, Paige. So sexy!"

One user wrote:

"Every day we stray further from god."

Check out some more reactions below:

Screenshots from @paigevanzant on Instagram

Paige VanZant on making more money in 24 hours via OnlyFans than her entire MMA career combined

Earlier this year, Paige VanZant claimed that she had earned more money through her OnlyFans site in a day than she ever did as a fighter. As mentioned, '12 Gauge' is among the most well-known personalities in combat sports.

Despite competing in high-profile promotions like the UFC and BKFC, VanZant wasn't making enough bread to live comfortably. As expected, except for a select few superstars like Conor McGregor, most MMA fighters don't earn enough to retire comfortably or live the life they always wanted.

As a result, many of them have turned to other money-making opportunities like OnlyFans to earn extra income. In an episode of the Only Stans Show, Paige VanZant explained how the controversial platform benefitted her and said:

"I’ve been really fortunate that my career, even outside of the UFC and outside of fighting, has been pretty successful... But yes, OnlyFans has definitely been my largest source of income... I think I made more money in 24 hours on Only Fans than I had in my entire fighting career combined."

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